A pink bottlebrush has been attracting lots of attention and not just from the people passing by. Above is a Macleay's Honeyeater. This is one of eight species of honeyeater in the garden at the moment.

Flies and wasps also come to the nectar and pollen.

This tiny
Trigona bee is stingless and lives in a hive in an old pot by my water tank. There are many species of skippers but I think this may be a Grass Skipper of some kind.

The Zodiac Moth flies during the day, is large and colourful with small tails on the hind-wing. New Guinea has a butterfly which mimics this moth and hence gains from the nasty taste of the poisons stored by the moth. Birds soon learn not to try eating the moth.

Below are two species of Jezebel Butterfly and one which looks like it might be.

Scarlet-banded Jezebel,
Delias mysis.
Common Jezebel,
Delias nigrina.
Jezebel Nymph,
Mynes geoffroyi.
Great photos! Thanks!
Great photos! Thanks!
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